“I searched for my chairman for 10 years. When I learned of Arte’s work and his approach, I spent the next year convincing him to join me in my campaign to improve the conditions of our planet. He never once brought up compensation – but only questions of value, impact, and validity of purpose. When he came on board as CEO of PhilanthroInvestors and Chairman of the Holding Company—Capitanz Family Office, our expansion was noticeable immediately. After only a few years we have grown from one large housing operation to 5 major sectors of social impact.” - Ivan Anz
Current Portfolio:
Equity and Help (www.Equityandhelp.com) Inc 500 – 4 years
Origin Clear (Originclear.com) “Water is the New Gold” – the only incubator for water-related companies.
Zeloop (Zeloop.net) Recycling campaigns gamified to create compliance and participation (private labeled campaigns internationally –Pepsi Cola, etc.
Equity & Help Ventures-Reg A, housing philanthroInvesting
Toyotaalianz.com-award winning Toyota dealership in Argentina
Available for consultation/problem solving – for any BA member. Challenge – “Bring me a problem I cannot solve!”
Expertise: Time management, Organization and Structure Analysis, Automated Marketing